
VAPS Software Renderer 


Based on over 35 Years of experience developing Avionics HMI, the VAPS Software Renderer was designed as a clean sheet API and library to match the requirements of 2D avionics graphics to simplify the certification process.

With support up to DO-178C DAL A the VSR requires a CPU (32bit or 64bit) and access to a video frame buffer meaning the tasks required to create certifiable displays is greatly reduced. Developed and tested against real world Avionics, display performance exceeds the requirements for critical displays.

With the benefit of integration to VAPS XT the leading HMI tool for aerospace. Designs can be created quickly and deployed across multiple systems with added flexibility that if GPU is required in the future or for other systems; the same application can be deployed with minimal effort.



Allows use of systems with no GPU

Wider choice of certified computing platforms


Simplifies certification process and effort for graphics

Use of common development tools for worst case analysis and coverage


ITAR Free 

Simplified export controls


Integration to VAPS XT available


Integrated with VAPS XT HMI tools to allow rapid HMI protoytping, design, and development processes

Provides rich library support for HMI development with user inputs (Cursor, Touch, Physical Keyboards) 

ARINC 661 Support 

Support FACE Technical Standard Rapid HMI design supporting MOSA, developed in alignment with the FACE® Technical Standard, and ARINC 661

Platform agnostic

Written in C to provide optimal performance and cross CPU support

Supports 32bit or 64bit CPU architecture

Minimal hardware needs (video memory framebuffer access)

Works with multiple RTOS environments

Low level Graphical Library support

Optimized Graphical Primitives

Clipping /Masking 

Anti-aliasing & Alpha Blending

Support for access to platform specific features to accelerate performance

Designed for Aerospace 2D HMI applications and certification

Optimized 2D Graphics Library

Certification support up to DO-178C, DAL A

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arch_vsr 2.2